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Village Clean Up Day

DPW Garage 62 Maple Avenue, Philmont, NY

The Village of Philmont will be providing dumpsters for our residents to dispose of all the "clutter" in our yards, garages, basements and attics. Clean Up Day Flyer

Planning Board Meeting | CANCELLED

A public hearing for The Woods development project by Clover Reach Builders will take place during this monthly planning board meeting held at the Village Hall at 7:00 p.m.

PUBLIC HEARING | Clover Reach Planning Board Application

The planning board meeting will be a public hearing to consider the application by Clover Reach Partners, LLC, for a major subdivision approval pursuant to the Village Code. The hearing will be at the Village Hall on Tuesday, May 17th at 7:00 p.m.

CANCELLED: Planning Board Meeting

Developer needs more time to review options in response to being notified of their current plan’s violation of NYS Fire Code that calls for a 20’ road.

Yearly Budget Workshop | March 20, 5pm

The year budget workshop will be held on Monday, March 20th at 5:00 PM at the Village Hall located at 124 Main Street, Philmont, NY. All interested parties are invited to attend.

Planning Board | Notice of Special Meeting and Public Hearing

Philmont Village Hall 124 Main Street, Philmont, NY

Clover Reach Partners, LLC's subdivision application, known as “The Woods," is scheduled for public hearing before the Village of Philmont Planning Board on Monday, March 20, 2023, at 7:00 PM at the Philmont Village Hall at 124 Main Street Tax Map #(SBL) 113.13-3-1, Located at Summit Street, Philmont, for a 16 lot subdivision of 22 ... Read more

Event Series Village Board of Trustees Meeting

Village Board of Trustees Meeting

Philmont Village Hall 124 Main Street, Philmont, NY

Board meetings are open to the public. Residents wishing to make comments or ask questions in person must sign up in advance by contacting the Village clerk by email or phone 518-672-7032 before 12PM on the first Friday of the month. The Village Hall can be accessed from a wheelchair-accessible ramp to the right of the Village Office at ... Read more

Register Your Rental Property or Vacant Building with the Philmont Buildings Department.

To Speak at Village Board Meetings: Remember to sign up before noon the Friday before by
emailing [email protected], calling (518) 672-7032, or stopping by the Village office.

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